Dear all,
For those whom we made you wait for long time, we are happy to announce that finally our new service called “Fellows Creators” has been launched. Fellows Creators is a service to find a creators.
What makes this unique is that you can search for overseas creators on a project-by-project basis.
This service will have a two phase of development, and this time is first half. The first half is going to be for Japanese companies who need creators in overseas like Singapore and other East Asia countries. The second half, will be launched around this summer, will be for Singaporean companies who seek creators in Japan.
長らくお待たせしておりましたが、新サービス「Fellows Creators (フェローズ・クリエイターズ)」の提供を開始しましたのでお知らせいたします。
Fellows Creatorsは、クリエイターを探すためのエージェントサービスです。その特徴は、海外のクリエイターをプロジェクト単位で探すことができることです。

Fellows Creators | 海外向けクリエイティブは海外クリエイターに依頼!